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Latest revision as of 17:24, 21 August 2009

I was thinking about something along these lines for milo's background:

the ring that milo found was 1 of a set of 5 rings of demaen. the rings were commisioned to be created by a cleric of demaen to test the faith of warriars of demaen , thus the wizard who created them cursed them to transform the bearers into animals, each representing an opposite of an attribute of demaen. in my case, the cat's timidity represents the opposite of courage. each rings also grants certain magical benifits, that allow the bearer to function somewhat normally as an animal, based on levels, empathy->telepathy, sustanance->longevity, etc. the only way to break the curse, is to collect all the rings, each ring is located at on an alter spread out around saratta, which upon completion, the rings return to the alters where they were found. once someone embarks on the quest, the other rings are not visable to anyone else, except the one searching.

afteri thought of it, i kinda thought it felt too much like dragonballz + lord of the rings, what everyone's thoughts?