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= [[Time: Months of the Year| Springtide]], [[Time: Days of the Week| Gevras]] 13th 1009 LD: The Masquerade =
= [[Time: Days of the Week| Imras]], 13th of [[Time: Months of the Year| Springtide]] 1009 LD: The Masquerade =
Two days ago a courier delivered a letter to your hands. Inside of the letter was an invitation from your friend, [[Johan Parish | Johan “Jon” Parish]]. You’ve worked with Parish before, spent time at his home, and even casually drank at taverns with him. He is a wealthier individual, inventor by trade with a touch of magic at his disposal. Jon does not normally throw parties unless there is somethings exciting that he can unveil to the public, which means you should be in for a riotous night.
Two days ago a courier delivered a letter to your hands. Inside of the letter was an invitation from your friend, [[Johan Parish | Johan “Jon” Parish]]. You’ve worked with Parish before, spent time at his home, and even casually drank at taverns with him. He is a wealthier individual, inventor by trade with a touch of magic at his disposal. Jon does not normally throw parties unless there is somethings exciting that he can unveil to the public, which means you should be in for a riotous night.
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= Springtide, Gevras 13th 1009 LD: After the Party =
== After the Party ==
I have had a moment to study the contents of both cases and have come to the conclusion that I will share none of it with my crewmates save maybe the Captain for now. Contained within were alchemical instructions for the creation of a compound listed as saltpeter. For what I gather it is quite volatile and is likely combustible. I also suspect that parts of it were written intentionally wrong, but it will take more studying to determine. I will probably need to craft the material myself to be certain.
I have had a moment to study the contents of both cases and have come to the conclusion that I will share none of it with my crewmates save maybe the Captain for now. Contained within were alchemical instructions for the creation of a compound listed as saltpeter. For what I gather it is quite volatile and is likely combustible. I also suspect that parts of it were written intentionally wrong, but it will take more studying to determine. I will probably need to craft the material myself to be certain.
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= Springtide, 14th 1009 LD: Departure from Foriedy =
= Ouras, 14th of Springtide 1009 LD: Departure from Foriedy =
The ship is loaded with enough supplies to get us to where we are going. I have charted the course to take us to Pfor'Ai in the hope that we can reach a rumored shipwreck before anyone else. From what I gathered out of rumors being spun at Jon's party, the Minoad was bearing a supply of silk when it wrecks. The ship has not been reported to the Aldemon port authority and there was no mention of Xemnon involvement yet, so it should be safe to bet that this information doesn't go beyond a few people. Better chances that it could turn me a quick profit if we find her first. It would make for a good month.
The ship is loaded with enough supplies to get us to where we are going. I have charted the course to take us to Pfor'Ai in the hope that we can reach a rumored shipwreck before anyone else. From what I gathered out of rumors being spun at Jon's party, the Minoad was bearing a supply of silk when it wrecks. The ship has not been reported to the Aldemon port authority and there was no mention of Xemnon involvement yet, so it should be safe to bet that this information doesn't go beyond a few people. Better chances that it could turn me a quick profit if we find her first. It would make for a good month.
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::: - Captain Gavin Endili
::: - Captain Gavin Endili
= Springtide, 27th, 1009 LD: Rough Waters =
= Imras, 27th of Springtide, 1009 LD: Rough Waters =
The crew caught the edge of a large storm and was flung into it a bit further than intended. The efforts of the crew were commendable and no losses were encountered, nor damage to the ship. For a green crew it was well ridden.
The crew caught the edge of a large storm and was flung into it a bit further than intended. The efforts of the crew were commendable and no losses were encountered, nor damage to the ship. For a green crew it was well ridden.
= Imras, 4th of Greentide, 1009 LD: Minoad Silk Salvage =
= Greentide 4th, 1009 LD: Minoad Silk Salvage =
The Debtless finally found the wreck of the ship they had been seeking. A day and a half prior to this they Lea bargained with pirates in Cutlass Cove to secure the resting location of the ship. Little wonder why the vessel had not yet been looted as its cracked husk was wrapped in spider web. A few prodding attempts at the ship revealed a large number of very small red spiders were making the wrecked ship their home. Dried out birds could be seen hanging for the broken masts revealing that the ship had been this way for at least several weeks.
The Debtless finally found the wreck of the ship they had been seeking. A day and a half prior to this they Lea bargained with pirates in Cutlass Cove to secure the resting location of the ship. Little wonder why the vessel had not yet been looted as its cracked husk was wrapped in spider web. A few prodding attempts at the ship revealed a large number of very small red spiders were making the wrecked ship their home. Dried out birds could be seen hanging for the broken masts revealing that the ship had been this way for at least several weeks.
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The salvage had been a success, netting nearly 12,000gp worth in raw silk materials and promise of favor with one of Foriedy's houses.
The salvage had been a success, netting nearly 12,000gp worth in raw silk materials and promise of favor with one of Foriedy's houses.
= Luce, 7th of Greentide, 1009 LD: Restocking at Ash Beach =
Prices at Ash Beach have proven expensive. Nothing we can’t afford, but it should be noted for the future that I’d rather not pay such prices if it can be helped. 110% markup indeed…
:::- Captain Gavin Endili
= Luce, 21st of Greentide, 1009 LD: Small Squall =
The Debtless was caught off guard by a small squall off the Southern shores of Na-Ahn Wae. The rough waters tested the crew’s skill, and nearly sent the Cabin Boy overboard into the churning sea were it not for the lifeline he was tied to. No losses or damage to the ship.
= Gevras, 27th of Greentide, 1009 LD: A Request from the Scarlet Order and a Party =
As the crew made their journey up the Deepwater Straight they encountered the Pehsivan, a Scarlet Order vessel under the command of elven Captain Erehzeed. The captain hailed the Debtless with flags requesting a boarding. After a moment of thought, Captain Endili acquiesced and allowed the two ships to be roped together and a meeting of the captains ensued.
It became immediately apparent that the Captain of the Pehsivan deferred to a human woman who identified herself as Red Sister Carmen Neem. Sister Neem requested a supply of water from the Captain, claiming that she could not afford to let her ship be delayed any longer than absolutely necessary. Her supplies were low after a ‘rat’ had poisoned their water barrels. She could not offer immediate compensation, but promised to put in a word with the Order for their compliance.
Sister Neem made a further request that if there were a doctor aboard, they be allowed to travel with the Pehsivan. A number of her crew had been stricken by the poison and were in need of medical assistance. Captain Endili would not allow them to take the ship’s doctor, but Alenka provided an alternate option. She offered to take their ill onto the Debtless for treatment. The Captain agreed, adding that they could ensure safe passage for them.
Sister Neem considered it and asked that both Gavin and Alenka submit to a mental probe. Whatever she found in their heads convinced her that the crew of the Debtless could be trusted, and six unconscious women were turned over to them. A promise was made that if they could get the women safely home to Darilach in one piece, Sister Neem would make arrangements with the Head of their Order for a boon in payment.
The women were placed in the infirmary, water was transferred between the ships, and the poisoned barrels were moved onto the Debtless for Alenka to study. The two ships then parted ways.
==Ephryn Revelries==
As evening neared, the crew approached the Ephryn village of T’Ohk. They sought to resupply their water while at the village and quickly discovered that they would need to beach the ship to facilitate the resupply. Several members of the crew helped to draw the ship further ashore, but none stood out more than Gregory who performed a display of strength and was further challenged to a sparing match by several of the Ephryn males. Gregory earned their respect by engaging 4 Ephryn in combat and subdued them all at once and without inflicting wounds.
The crew was invited to partake in a ceremony in their honor. They were presented before the Ephryn Matriarch of T’Ohk, who gave to them a cup of her pee that they were expected to drink from. Several members of the crew were horrified at the prospect but others (Gregory, Lea, Malcom, and Raul) opted to partake in the ceremony. A pipe was passed around the group before a great feast was spread in their honor.
After a day, Alenka realized that none of the crew who had set out to village had returned and something needed to be done. The feasting had continued through the night and by mid-day Alenka took it upon herself to pull the partiers from their revelry. One by one she succeeded.
For their part, the Ephryn provided food and water to resupply the ship. As payment the crew made a pile of goods from their personal belongings to thank the Ephryn for thier generosity. Finally resupplied they set sail for Union island at dawn.
==Prophetic Visions==
The combination of chemicals imbibed at the party lead several crew members to receive visions of the future. Not all of them shared their visions, but those who did held one thing in common - A stone being pushed away at the base of a great statue; from a hole emerges a small creature, lunging forward, snarling, with teeth bared.
The T’Ohk Matriarch parted from Gregory with a gift of praise, foreboding, and prophecy for all to hear:
This one is strong, he will remain so.
:::::But there are dark places ahead,
:::::beware the little ones that chatter
:::::and the ones that whisper in your mind.
:::::They are close now.
= Maxas, 29th of Greentide, 1009 LD: The Union Island Sirens =
Storms at sea can be dangerous. Many experienced sailors have been called into the Deep Black by failing to notice the warning signs of rough weather before it is too late. Combine a storm with a supernatural being and it quickly becomes lethal. Such a storm reached out to take the Debtless, in plain view of all the crew whose actions were not quick enough to avert the coming peril. Had they known the real danger of the storm they would not have to mourn the dead.
As the Debtless neared Union Island, crewman Kyras warned of a storm brewing in the East, bearing down on them quickly. Actions were taken to direct the ship nearer to the island in the hope that they would find a cove within which they could ride out the storm. Unfortunately Union Island turned out to be a round and sandy beached, little more than an eighth of a mile in size. They quickly sailed around it without finding refuge.
With few options left they began debating the merits of beaching the ship versus attempting to ride things out. Time was their enemy, but it wasn’t the only one. As they discussed their options they heard a song on the wind; Sirens.
They beached the ship, stopping their ears with whatever they could find to block out the song, but it wasn’t enough.  The song exploded into their minds, amplified by the unconscious psychics who were serving as conduits to push the song to those who were blocking it out. Many of the crew became entranced by it and struggled to get nearer to it as the storm’s full force struck.
The women on board seemed the least affected, but it seemed to be only a matter of time. Many were starting to succumb to and a number of the crew had wandered deeper into the island following the music, ignorant to the protests and commands of the Captain who was ordering them back onto the ship.
Tydel, Raul, Lea, Alenka and Iley-Rose managed to keep their sanity throughout the ordeal. Their efforts to contain the crew helped to minimize the loss of life but in all 8 of their crewmates walked into the storm and turned to vapor at the touch of the Sirens. Even Captain Endili had a brush with the Deep Black when close proximity to the Sirens began robbing him of his own presence of mind.
As dawn arrived the next morning, the crew recomposed themselves. There was little time to mourn their losses. The ship had to be moved back into the sea and injuries needed to be treated. Distension was stirring among the lower ranks without Captain Endili present and Marissa seemed to be at a complete loss, crying about the loneliness of the Sirens. Raul made it his mission to snap her out of this course of thought, but it would take time.
The next ranking officers tried to take charge but it only seemed to make things worse. They managed keep order for several days until Marissa was fit to assume command once more on their way the Kieg Lac.
= Luce, 5th of Whiteflower, 1009 LD: Kieg Lac and the Coming Storm =
We’re getting close to the Kieg now. A good thing too. They’ll have the tools to get Gavin back on his feet, I hope. There is another storm cresting the horizon. Its far off still, but this isn’t like the others. If fills the sky with its size and boils with the anger of a god. The Lady of the Deep is restless…
I’ll have Gregory and a handful of the crew draw the ship onto shore. That should keep it from being battered on the rocks. And we’ll move the food into the ruins. I know Orman will protest, but I don’t give a damn. There are things we will need to preserve. We’re going to be staying for a while. There is a hurricane on the horizon. Demuen grant me courage and a coin for the Lady’s Favor.
:::- Acting Captain, Marissa Cand
= Maxas, 6th of Whiteflower, 1009 LD: Kobolds! =
Their arrival at Kieg Lac was uneventful and somewhat unexpected for the Joikun Expedition. They were beginning to pack up uncovered relics that were to be shipped back to Foriedy and the addition of more people made the trade hall of the old dwarven fort rather cramped. Fortunately the guest halls were still available and the crew of the Debtless began to settle in.
The plans for Parish’s cannon were safely secured within the chest of the golem Gangus the night before. Alenka and Lea were most pleased by successfully activated the golem and setting it to patrol the guest quarters. Things had been calm since the group had arrived but as with the hurricane raging outside, it was about to become much more interesting.
The first hint of the problems to come was discovered by the ship’s lookout Kyras who discovered that the food they had brought with them had been raided. Precious little remained and the Expedition wasn’t well stocked either. The captain decided it was in their best interest at the present time to keep that fact from the rest of the crew, and turned their attention toward determining the cause of the problem.
The source of their headache was quickly revealed to be kobolds. The small lizard rodents were back, despite that the group had driven from the ruins nearly a year back. The kobolds made their hatred for the group clear, scrawling a message across the walls of one chamber, rubbed in with bits of stolen food. It read:
<i>Eem-puu, Eem-puu, Ka Ka Ka</i> (roughly translated as "Man-Demon, Man-Demon Die Die Die" or "Kill Kill Kill").
The group was more annoyed than taken aback and quickly decided to put an end to the mischief. They uncovered the passages that the kobolds had been using and breached their hidden den. The den was housed within an unknown, sealed section of the Kieg Lac ruins. It was heavily trapped, but not well enough to stop the “Eem-puu” invaders. The kobolds tried drawing the group through boobytrapped hallways, staging ambushes when they could, leading them to their shaman Brekakastaz. The group found the shaman atop a black dragon’s skull positioned in the center of a large room filled with kobolds chanting his name. Clearly this foe was viewed as powerful by the kobolds, and he proved it by breaking Raul’s arm and smashing Tydel’s jaw with a single spell before being subdued by Gregory.
The shaman was rendered unconscious and after a bold rescue attempt by a lone kobold, the group had two of the small creatures wrapped in chains. Iley-Rose scouted ahead and found a network of tunnels and caves extending from the den, likely holding more of the vermin. Injured and in need of more refined medical attention, the group ventured back to their base camp so that Alenka could mend them up. They dragged their two captives along as well, hoping that they would come up with a plan for what they would do with them. Any chance of convincing the kobolds to depart peacefully appeared to be dwindling.
= The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Brightreach 1009 LD =
<i> Several pages of crumpled and hastily written notes fill in the next few pages. The paper does not match the logbook and has clearly come from somewhere else. The handwriting is quite neat but lacks in good punctuation or clear direction. Close inspection reveals that a number of pages were torn out. These are probably meant to serve as replacements.</i>
We went back to Foriedy wait no we went to that Scarlet Place Darigad or whatever it was called. Darigad And um had fun and partied and I got stuck on the ship and told not to have fun because I have a debt to pay off but Marissa was nice and gave me some money and let me have fun. That was really nice and we dropped off all the nice ladies that we helped out.
<b>The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Brightreach 1009 LD</b>
I went shopping today and sold a few thing while everyone else was doing the same I don’t know if I was supposed to but it was fun. I hope tomorrow is fun too but it sounds like we are going back to Foriedy I don’t care what anyone else says because it is really nice here.
<b>The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign 1009 LD</b>
We made it back to Foriedy and now I think that we are going to go back to Halim’Ra I think. Jon Parish is joining us for some reason and I heard people saying that maybe we’d go back to that dwarf ruin place but I don’t think we will. I don’t have any money and this sucks. Maybe I can find someone on shore to play CapJacks with.
Made some money on CapJacks. Suckers.
<b>The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign</b>
<b>The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign</b>
<b>The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date... don’t care, Sunreign</b>
<i>At this point several pages have simply been scribbled on in large criss crossed circles.</i>
= Zule, 9th of Glasswater, 1009 LD: Back Up to Speed =
I have found the Captain’s Log, and I am officially registering that I haven’t told Gavin, nor do I intend to unless you read this log considering that you are injured and at bed rest. I shall try my best to bring events up to date starting with the most important and ending with our intended destination.
We successfully avoided a mating pair of Storm Serpents while en route to Halim’Ra. Their activities forced us to divert to the Island of Taun Peru where we encountered a squad of mercenaries who successfully overtook the ship and if Gregory’s tale is accurate a small group of 3 mercs disabled the away team.
We succeeded in taking the ship back while sustaining minor injuries. The pirate forces have been slain or left to fend for themselves in the nearby waters. We are close enough to land that my actions do not step outside the bounds of maritime law. The away team was also able to fend for themselves. Tydel takes honorable mention here as he was able to take one of them out with their own explosive device.
At present time we are holding one injured member of the mercenary crew as a prisoner under the care of Alenka who refused to allow me to throw him off the ship. Her claim is that the man helped them though I am fuzzy on the details. I will have to trust her judgement here. Also under her watchful eye is Captain Gavin Endili who attempted to take on a mummy that emerged from a tomb the group found on the hillside. Honorable mention goes to Ichor (yes, the dog gets mention here because he saved your life) who dragged the Captain down several dozen flights of stairs, away from the mummy which was immolated upon the beachside.
When we reorganized the ship I located the missing Captain’s Log tucked away with a number of other goods that Iley Rose had in her possession. It appears that a number of pages were removed from the book and used to make paper boats which she claims to have successfully sunken with her sling. I will be staying her execution so long as she creates a suitable replacement for the missing pages. She claims that she does and will add them later tonight.
We are on course for Darigad in an attempt to warn them in advance of the mercenary crew. Lea and Jon Parish have confirmed a conspiracy to attack Darigad using plague barring undead monstrosities that were dug up from the islands crypts. I believe that it would be wise to provide a warning to anyone heading in the direction of Taun Peru to steer clear as the unearthing has caused the dead to wake.
After we have provided proper warning we will be journeying onward to Parish’s destination with what I hope is a little less adventure and a little more time to rest.
:::- Acting Captain, Marissa Cand
= The Condensed Logs of Captain Endili =
Gevras, 12th of Glasswater through Zule, 4th of Red Hearth, 1009LD
More damage to the log appears to have occurred. The inside of the log book has been  cut out with a steady handed sharp blade, likely a dagger as they are plentiful aboard the ship. Close inspection reveals that the cuts were made close enough to the book’s spine, giving the appearance that someone was trying to hide the contents. The diligence required to make this happen clashes with the fact that the removed pages consist of nearly a third of the log book’s final pages.
The majority of the pages themselves have been loosely, if not somewhat haphazardly returned to their original place. Varied degrees of water damage, wine stains, tears, nicks and crinkles have largely rendered the contents irrecoverable. An appended note written by the Captain is included. It reads:
<i>Logs are missing. Marissa was cutting them out of the book saying something about it being for our protection. I stopped her but the damage has already been done. I have made an effort to piece together the basic details of our voyages to the best of my memory. If the proper logs are found I will re-add them, but I fear they have already been disposed of.
Update: 21st of Whitefall. Several pages have been recovered though they are mostly unreadable. I have reprimanded Marissa for her actions but I don’t remember the punishment. There seem to be some gaps in my memory still which Alenka has confirmed. She will continue investigating this loss.</i>
- We arrived in Darigad in time to give a warning to the Scarlet Order regarding the mercenaries we found at Taun Peru. This information was instrumental in helping them prevent the attack.
- We replenished supplies at Darigad and set course for Vheis Mord.
- After several weeks out to sea we were Intercepted by pirate vessels flying House Xemnon flags. Both ships raised black flags upon approach. We identified them as the Barivan and Mavrick. The Barivan was run aground along the Southern coast of Obsidis in the Vheis Mord region. Mavrick was taken. 3 prisoners were detained in the brig.
- Arrived at Eliquiry Island. Parish chose for this to be his final destination and turned over a vested interest in his estate and the bulk of his affairs, including the contract for the Joikun Expedition crew at Kieg Lac. Contract expires at the start of the year and costs 20,000gp. A prototype weapon has been turned over to my possession.
:- Delayed travel from Eliquiry due to diminished supplies. We determined the best course of action was to head to Condor Rock where we resupplied and relieved ourselves of the prisoners.
- Departed Condor Rock under fair conditions. Ship supplied. Heading to Darigad where we will make a short stop including shore leave for Officers. No more than 3 days.
- Departure from Darigad. Good conditions. Heading to Foriedy.
- Arrived at Foriedy. Shoreleave given to Officers and crew on rotated schedule. Intention to set out after 1 week.
:- We have gotten mixed up with issues in Lower Foriedy. Aldemon guard lost a piece of gnomish machinery and the officers seem intent on assisting them in retrieval. To this end we are seeking a man named Jasken Sool, reported ringleader of a dockside gang with a racial biased against elves. Trust of Xemnon and their policies is low.
:- We got into a fight with Sool and his gang resulting in serious injuries done to many of the officers. A detailed report of injuries can be found in the medbay.
:- Injured officers have been cleared for duty. Had an issue with Marissa seeking to resign from her post and stay on land. The crew banded together, a proper family, and convinced her to stay. For the better I might add.
:- Tydel left the ship. We tried to locate him but according to the notes he left behind he doesn’t want to be found. We wish him the best. The possessions he took with him are his to keep.
:- Took a job for a group of Tashminaen elves looking for passage to Otempewae. 30 passengers will be brought on board in exchange for 15,000 and sword training. We will be departing upon final Supply Count.
- Training with the elves began as soon as time allowed. The deck was cleared to create a safe sparring space and the medical bay was prepared for possible injuries though the elven leader assured me that actual swordplay would not occur for at least a week. The training went well.
- We encountered no major issues upon reaching Otempewae and the elves were dropped off. As a parting gift they have left a crate containing 15 swords in the hold. These weapons will fetch a decent price should we choose to sell them, but may serve better in the hands of the crew. I haven’t decided what to do with them yet.
- We were engaged by a dragon shortly after our departure from Otempewae and landed on an island later identified as Ostr’Haus to avoid the creature. Details about Ostr’Haus become fuzzy at this point. We placed our memories into crystals to keep its resident monster from using them to hurt us. I am going to list what I have managed to put together so far:
:- The dragon did substantial damage to the hull as we tried to escape to the mist covered island. This damage has since been repaired and barring any rough weather,
:- will hold up until we reach Darigad.
:- The mists surrounding Ostr’Haus are created by a wolf-like monster. Malcom was unable to determine the true nature of the beast, but figures it is from another plane.
:- After landing Marissa, Zagan, and Sam hatched a plan to lure the dragon away from the ship using a lantern. Apparently the lantern was magical but I don’t know where it came from… Alenka tells me her memory of it, and of other details remains missing even though we have recovered our memories. She is researching the details.
:- The expedition failed when the fog bank became overwhelmingly thick and we were attacked by what we thought were local beasts. We later learned they were figments(?) created by the island’s monster.
:- Knowing the creature uses our memories, we came up with a method for storing them inside crystals. I don’t know how we thought of this, but Alenka thought it was a good idea after she spent some time studying the crystal. In writing this makes no sense. Alenka and Marissa were convinced it would work...
:: - I thought Marissa was missing at this point. Did we attempt to run the lantern more than once? I thought Marissa took it and went missing, which would mean that she and Alenka proposed the memory crystals earlier than I remember.  Reminder: ask Alenka this too. The memory seems broken… maybe something didn’t work right with the crystals.
:- We made several attempts to retrieve Marissa before finally finding her at an old lighthouse tower. The dragon attack, attracted by the lantern. It melted the top of the structure, taking the lantern with it. This seemed to satisfy the dragon since it left after that.
:- Malcom entered an Earthbond with the wolf monster so that it would stop attacking us. In return, he has promised to free it and its young from the island. This may not be the best option but it did allow us to repair the ship.
:- Sam Martinson was killed on duty. According to Alenka his hand was removed around the same time we were out searching for Marissa. Zagan is in stable condition.
- Departed from Ostr’Haus, intent on reaching Darigad.
:- Half way through the voyage there was an issue where Marissa was about to seriously injure Calvin Alm. Calvin was on a drug called Blitz and was painting using food stores and water. When confronted about her overly forceful behavior, Marissa responded very unprofessionally. Soon after she struck Raul who subdued her. As punishment, and until I can figure out what in the hells is going on with her, she will remain in the brig. Raul, Alenka, and Lea will keep watch over her to make sure her behavior turns around.
:- Calvin will receive quarter rations for one week to make up for what he has damaged as it forces us to half ration more than I wanted.
:- Also, a policy needs to be put in place to prevent substance abuse.
:- Another thing to note: Lea seems to be spending a large amount of time with Marissa. When I mentioned it to her she said it was so Alenka could get more work done without needed to watch a prisoner. Hopefully she can talk some sense back into Marissa.
- We have arrived at Darigad, Halim’Ra. Resupply is more important than off time, but the crew has been paid for 3 months, plus a bonus of 1 month. Officers will be given some time to do their own thing. We need to look into replacing the Debtless. She is an old beat up ship and is no longer seaworthy.
- Final note. Get a new log book to replace this one.
[[The Captain's Log | Close the Logs and return to the Adventure Page]]
[[The Captain's Log | Close the Logs and return to the Adventure Page]]
[[The Captain's Log: 1010 LD | Open the next Log Book, labeled 1010 LD]]

Latest revision as of 14:55, 14 March 2016

Imras, 13th of Springtide 1009 LD: The Masquerade

Two days ago a courier delivered a letter to your hands. Inside of the letter was an invitation from your friend, Johan “Jon” Parish. You’ve worked with Parish before, spent time at his home, and even casually drank at taverns with him. He is a wealthier individual, inventor by trade with a touch of magic at his disposal. Jon does not normally throw parties unless there is somethings exciting that he can unveil to the public, which means you should be in for a riotous night. The party is a Masquerade Ball, which means hiding your identity behind a mask for the evening, guessing at who everyone else might be, and revelling in the anonymity until the big reveal at the nights end. For some, it will be an excuse to network, create trade agreements, and arrange business ventures. For the rest, it is an opportunity to give in to hedonism. Drink, dance, and be merry.

The party was everything it could be. A mix of dancing, fantastic orchestral music, wandering animals, and enchanting women. Especially the woman in the blue ocean dress that seemed to ripple like the ocean itself. Gossip, jokes and rumors flew across the dance hall, while slights and pleasantries of all sorts were exchanged between the nobles. Hours passed effortlessly, and would have remained pleasant and relaxing had it not been for the ogre and his entourage that smashed through the door as the night got into full swing.

The huge beast called himself Brother and appeared to be in a power struggle with an unnamed man wearing dock worker browns. They demanded the passcode for Parish’s vault. Parish implored several members of the group to reach the vault before Brother and secure a mahogany case containing important document while he tried to stall. The group quickly set to work heading for the panic room which accessed the vault. Parish attempted to communicate with Brother and probably would have succeeded had other factors not occurred. The unnamed dockman took hold of a guest an demanded the code or he’d have his men start killing people. When this did not hasten things he began digging his blade into the woman that he’d taken hostage. Captain Endili tried to reason with Brother to do something before someone died, but it only encouraged the man in brown who ran his dagger across the woman’s throat.

This seemed to enrage the ogre and threw the party crashers into pandemonium, fighting between themselves. The ogre and the man in brown engaged each other in combat. The man with his dagger, the ogre with his formidable strength. The woman in the flowing blue dress revealed her colors as well, taking advantage of the confusion to try and subdue Gregory Dawn with a well placed crossbow bolt that seemed to seek it’s target. The attack was unsuccessful, leaving Gregory to turn the tables on her. It was in those moments that the group crept their way into the vault and found 2 chests. One made of steel containing instructions for the creation of saltpeter, and the other being the mahogany box with more papers. They added the contents of the steel chest into the wooden box and slipped out unnoticed.

In the dance hall it was clear who had the advantage when Brother made quick work of the man in brown. The large ogre demanded the code to the vault, which Jon willingly relinquished before the ogre continued up the stairs to collect his companion; the woman in the ocean dress who he called Janiry. Gregory released her before the gaze of the mighty beast and watched as they dropped from the balcony to the floor below before heading to the vault. Parish ordered everyone out of the house which most people were more than happy to do. In the few minutes that had passed, House Xemnon had already scrambled soldiers who were entering approaching the premiss ready to investigate. Jon told them everything he knew but they found no trace of the ogre or woman. They had vanished, taking the steel chest with them.

After the Party

I have had a moment to study the contents of both cases and have come to the conclusion that I will share none of it with my crewmates save maybe the Captain for now. Contained within were alchemical instructions for the creation of a compound listed as saltpeter. For what I gather it is quite volatile and is likely combustible. I also suspect that parts of it were written intentionally wrong, but it will take more studying to determine. I will probably need to craft the material myself to be certain.

The other half of the contents are more disturbing. Precise instructions for crafting a cylindrical tube meant to propel objects over great distance. It borrows enough design to bear a resemblance to goblin projectile metalwork, but deviates quite a bit too. It would take a very skilled blacksmith to produce what I have seen, and judging from the measurement detail… no. Purely speculation. The documentation names it as: Steelcaster Mark IX aka a cannon.

- Excerpt from the writings of Alenka Kolchak

Ouras, 14th of Springtide 1009 LD: Departure from Foriedy

The ship is loaded with enough supplies to get us to where we are going. I have charted the course to take us to Pfor'Ai in the hope that we can reach a rumored shipwreck before anyone else. From what I gathered out of rumors being spun at Jon's party, the Minoad was bearing a supply of silk when it wrecks. The ship has not been reported to the Aldemon port authority and there was no mention of Xemnon involvement yet, so it should be safe to bet that this information doesn't go beyond a few people. Better chances that it could turn me a quick profit if we find her first. It would make for a good month.

It should also be noted on the record that crewman Gregory and I were scryed and approached by the ogre Brother the morning following Jon’s ill-fated party. The ogre appears to be honorable, at least according to Gregory. He even suggested that we try to recruit Brother, but a number of the crew were against the idea and at the moment I agree with them. Gregory may feel that Brother is of honorable intent but I cannot risk that presently. Gregory will be turning over the steel chest with it’s original contents to Brother later this evening, at which time I expect the scry upon us to end.

- Captain Gavin Endili

Imras, 27th of Springtide, 1009 LD: Rough Waters

The crew caught the edge of a large storm and was flung into it a bit further than intended. The efforts of the crew were commendable and no losses were encountered, nor damage to the ship. For a green crew it was well ridden.

Imras, 4th of Greentide, 1009 LD: Minoad Silk Salvage

The Debtless finally found the wreck of the ship they had been seeking. A day and a half prior to this they Lea bargained with pirates in Cutlass Cove to secure the resting location of the ship. Little wonder why the vessel had not yet been looted as its cracked husk was wrapped in spider web. A few prodding attempts at the ship revealed a large number of very small red spiders were making the wrecked ship their home. Dried out birds could be seen hanging for the broken masts revealing that the ship had been this way for at least several weeks.

Malcom and Alenka identified the spiders as Red Orb, found in western Tyr. What they were doing aboard this ship was at the moment unknown. The crew devised a plan for breaking into the ship without attracting the attention of the spiders and were initially successful, gaining access to the captain's quarters and a small supply of silver before determining that much of the wooden floor had been weakened by exposure.

A second attempt was made by accessing the ships underbelly through cracks in the hull that were made when it ran aground. A number of spider swarms were dispatched thanks to acid splash potions that Alenka had made, allowing the crew to finally secure raw thread spider silk that was held in the dry stores. Bitten and covered in rashes from the diminutive spiders, the crew returned to their ship.

As they ventured back, they learned that a second drama had been unfolding with the rest of the crew. Marissa, acting as captain while Gavin was inspecting the wreck of the Minoad had been approached by two vessels bearing House Ahn Zeis colors. The captain of one of the ships identified himself as Zagoris Kerman (captain of the Thermoris). Curiously, the captain remained under a thick black sheet while beneath the sun. He stated that the other ship was not House Ahn Zeis, and was actually a disguised Midnight Council ship. The Council required a set of silver bars from the Minoad wreck of they would set of delayed beads in the hull of the Thermoris and kill everyone aboard. Capain Kerman did not want this to happen, and requested from Marissa that at least half of his crew be allowed to board the ship. Fortunately, Captain Endili returned to the Debtless and was able to make the decision.

Half of the Thermoris's crew was brought aboard, and Gavin willingly turned over the silver that they had taken from the Minoad. In return, he would earn favor with House Ahn Zeis once Captain Kerman returned to Foriedy. The Ahn Zeis captain then returned to the Midnight Council ship. The transaction must have been successful, for the other ship broke into full sail and departed shortly after, allowing Captain Kerman to retrieve his crew and leave as well.

The salvage had been a success, netting nearly 12,000gp worth in raw silk materials and promise of favor with one of Foriedy's houses.

Luce, 7th of Greentide, 1009 LD: Restocking at Ash Beach

Prices at Ash Beach have proven expensive. Nothing we can’t afford, but it should be noted for the future that I’d rather not pay such prices if it can be helped. 110% markup indeed…

- Captain Gavin Endili

Luce, 21st of Greentide, 1009 LD: Small Squall

The Debtless was caught off guard by a small squall off the Southern shores of Na-Ahn Wae. The rough waters tested the crew’s skill, and nearly sent the Cabin Boy overboard into the churning sea were it not for the lifeline he was tied to. No losses or damage to the ship.

Gevras, 27th of Greentide, 1009 LD: A Request from the Scarlet Order and a Party

As the crew made their journey up the Deepwater Straight they encountered the Pehsivan, a Scarlet Order vessel under the command of elven Captain Erehzeed. The captain hailed the Debtless with flags requesting a boarding. After a moment of thought, Captain Endili acquiesced and allowed the two ships to be roped together and a meeting of the captains ensued.

It became immediately apparent that the Captain of the Pehsivan deferred to a human woman who identified herself as Red Sister Carmen Neem. Sister Neem requested a supply of water from the Captain, claiming that she could not afford to let her ship be delayed any longer than absolutely necessary. Her supplies were low after a ‘rat’ had poisoned their water barrels. She could not offer immediate compensation, but promised to put in a word with the Order for their compliance.

Sister Neem made a further request that if there were a doctor aboard, they be allowed to travel with the Pehsivan. A number of her crew had been stricken by the poison and were in need of medical assistance. Captain Endili would not allow them to take the ship’s doctor, but Alenka provided an alternate option. She offered to take their ill onto the Debtless for treatment. The Captain agreed, adding that they could ensure safe passage for them.

Sister Neem considered it and asked that both Gavin and Alenka submit to a mental probe. Whatever she found in their heads convinced her that the crew of the Debtless could be trusted, and six unconscious women were turned over to them. A promise was made that if they could get the women safely home to Darilach in one piece, Sister Neem would make arrangements with the Head of their Order for a boon in payment.

The women were placed in the infirmary, water was transferred between the ships, and the poisoned barrels were moved onto the Debtless for Alenka to study. The two ships then parted ways.

Ephryn Revelries

As evening neared, the crew approached the Ephryn village of T’Ohk. They sought to resupply their water while at the village and quickly discovered that they would need to beach the ship to facilitate the resupply. Several members of the crew helped to draw the ship further ashore, but none stood out more than Gregory who performed a display of strength and was further challenged to a sparing match by several of the Ephryn males. Gregory earned their respect by engaging 4 Ephryn in combat and subdued them all at once and without inflicting wounds.

The crew was invited to partake in a ceremony in their honor. They were presented before the Ephryn Matriarch of T’Ohk, who gave to them a cup of her pee that they were expected to drink from. Several members of the crew were horrified at the prospect but others (Gregory, Lea, Malcom, and Raul) opted to partake in the ceremony. A pipe was passed around the group before a great feast was spread in their honor.

After a day, Alenka realized that none of the crew who had set out to village had returned and something needed to be done. The feasting had continued through the night and by mid-day Alenka took it upon herself to pull the partiers from their revelry. One by one she succeeded. For their part, the Ephryn provided food and water to resupply the ship. As payment the crew made a pile of goods from their personal belongings to thank the Ephryn for thier generosity. Finally resupplied they set sail for Union island at dawn.

Prophetic Visions

The combination of chemicals imbibed at the party lead several crew members to receive visions of the future. Not all of them shared their visions, but those who did held one thing in common - A stone being pushed away at the base of a great statue; from a hole emerges a small creature, lunging forward, snarling, with teeth bared.

The T’Ohk Matriarch parted from Gregory with a gift of praise, foreboding, and prophecy for all to hear: This one is strong, he will remain so.

But there are dark places ahead,
beware the little ones that chatter
and the ones that whisper in your mind.
They are close now.

Maxas, 29th of Greentide, 1009 LD: The Union Island Sirens

Storms at sea can be dangerous. Many experienced sailors have been called into the Deep Black by failing to notice the warning signs of rough weather before it is too late. Combine a storm with a supernatural being and it quickly becomes lethal. Such a storm reached out to take the Debtless, in plain view of all the crew whose actions were not quick enough to avert the coming peril. Had they known the real danger of the storm they would not have to mourn the dead.

As the Debtless neared Union Island, crewman Kyras warned of a storm brewing in the East, bearing down on them quickly. Actions were taken to direct the ship nearer to the island in the hope that they would find a cove within which they could ride out the storm. Unfortunately Union Island turned out to be a round and sandy beached, little more than an eighth of a mile in size. They quickly sailed around it without finding refuge. With few options left they began debating the merits of beaching the ship versus attempting to ride things out. Time was their enemy, but it wasn’t the only one. As they discussed their options they heard a song on the wind; Sirens.

They beached the ship, stopping their ears with whatever they could find to block out the song, but it wasn’t enough. The song exploded into their minds, amplified by the unconscious psychics who were serving as conduits to push the song to those who were blocking it out. Many of the crew became entranced by it and struggled to get nearer to it as the storm’s full force struck.

The women on board seemed the least affected, but it seemed to be only a matter of time. Many were starting to succumb to and a number of the crew had wandered deeper into the island following the music, ignorant to the protests and commands of the Captain who was ordering them back onto the ship. Tydel, Raul, Lea, Alenka and Iley-Rose managed to keep their sanity throughout the ordeal. Their efforts to contain the crew helped to minimize the loss of life but in all 8 of their crewmates walked into the storm and turned to vapor at the touch of the Sirens. Even Captain Endili had a brush with the Deep Black when close proximity to the Sirens began robbing him of his own presence of mind.

As dawn arrived the next morning, the crew recomposed themselves. There was little time to mourn their losses. The ship had to be moved back into the sea and injuries needed to be treated. Distension was stirring among the lower ranks without Captain Endili present and Marissa seemed to be at a complete loss, crying about the loneliness of the Sirens. Raul made it his mission to snap her out of this course of thought, but it would take time. The next ranking officers tried to take charge but it only seemed to make things worse. They managed keep order for several days until Marissa was fit to assume command once more on their way the Kieg Lac.

Luce, 5th of Whiteflower, 1009 LD: Kieg Lac and the Coming Storm

We’re getting close to the Kieg now. A good thing too. They’ll have the tools to get Gavin back on his feet, I hope. There is another storm cresting the horizon. Its far off still, but this isn’t like the others. If fills the sky with its size and boils with the anger of a god. The Lady of the Deep is restless…

I’ll have Gregory and a handful of the crew draw the ship onto shore. That should keep it from being battered on the rocks. And we’ll move the food into the ruins. I know Orman will protest, but I don’t give a damn. There are things we will need to preserve. We’re going to be staying for a while. There is a hurricane on the horizon. Demuen grant me courage and a coin for the Lady’s Favor.

- Acting Captain, Marissa Cand

Maxas, 6th of Whiteflower, 1009 LD: Kobolds!

Their arrival at Kieg Lac was uneventful and somewhat unexpected for the Joikun Expedition. They were beginning to pack up uncovered relics that were to be shipped back to Foriedy and the addition of more people made the trade hall of the old dwarven fort rather cramped. Fortunately the guest halls were still available and the crew of the Debtless began to settle in.

The plans for Parish’s cannon were safely secured within the chest of the golem Gangus the night before. Alenka and Lea were most pleased by successfully activated the golem and setting it to patrol the guest quarters. Things had been calm since the group had arrived but as with the hurricane raging outside, it was about to become much more interesting.

The first hint of the problems to come was discovered by the ship’s lookout Kyras who discovered that the food they had brought with them had been raided. Precious little remained and the Expedition wasn’t well stocked either. The captain decided it was in their best interest at the present time to keep that fact from the rest of the crew, and turned their attention toward determining the cause of the problem.

The source of their headache was quickly revealed to be kobolds. The small lizard rodents were back, despite that the group had driven from the ruins nearly a year back. The kobolds made their hatred for the group clear, scrawling a message across the walls of one chamber, rubbed in with bits of stolen food. It read:

Eem-puu, Eem-puu, Ka Ka Ka (roughly translated as "Man-Demon, Man-Demon Die Die Die" or "Kill Kill Kill").

The group was more annoyed than taken aback and quickly decided to put an end to the mischief. They uncovered the passages that the kobolds had been using and breached their hidden den. The den was housed within an unknown, sealed section of the Kieg Lac ruins. It was heavily trapped, but not well enough to stop the “Eem-puu” invaders. The kobolds tried drawing the group through boobytrapped hallways, staging ambushes when they could, leading them to their shaman Brekakastaz. The group found the shaman atop a black dragon’s skull positioned in the center of a large room filled with kobolds chanting his name. Clearly this foe was viewed as powerful by the kobolds, and he proved it by breaking Raul’s arm and smashing Tydel’s jaw with a single spell before being subdued by Gregory.

The shaman was rendered unconscious and after a bold rescue attempt by a lone kobold, the group had two of the small creatures wrapped in chains. Iley-Rose scouted ahead and found a network of tunnels and caves extending from the den, likely holding more of the vermin. Injured and in need of more refined medical attention, the group ventured back to their base camp so that Alenka could mend them up. They dragged their two captives along as well, hoping that they would come up with a plan for what they would do with them. Any chance of convincing the kobolds to depart peacefully appeared to be dwindling.

The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Brightreach 1009 LD

Several pages of crumpled and hastily written notes fill in the next few pages. The paper does not match the logbook and has clearly come from somewhere else. The handwriting is quite neat but lacks in good punctuation or clear direction. Close inspection reveals that a number of pages were torn out. These are probably meant to serve as replacements.

We went back to Foriedy wait no we went to that Scarlet Place Darigad or whatever it was called. Darigad And um had fun and partied and I got stuck on the ship and told not to have fun because I have a debt to pay off but Marissa was nice and gave me some money and let me have fun. That was really nice and we dropped off all the nice ladies that we helped out.

The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Brightreach 1009 LD

I went shopping today and sold a few thing while everyone else was doing the same I don’t know if I was supposed to but it was fun. I hope tomorrow is fun too but it sounds like we are going back to Foriedy I don’t care what anyone else says because it is really nice here.

The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign 1009 LD

We made it back to Foriedy and now I think that we are going to go back to Halim’Ra I think. Jon Parish is joining us for some reason and I heard people saying that maybe we’d go back to that dwarf ruin place but I don’t think we will. I don’t have any money and this sucks. Maybe I can find someone on shore to play CapJacks with.

Made some money on CapJacks. Suckers.

The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign


The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date, Sunreign


The Log of Iley Rose - Unknown Date... don’t care, Sunreign


At this point several pages have simply been scribbled on in large criss crossed circles.

Zule, 9th of Glasswater, 1009 LD: Back Up to Speed

I have found the Captain’s Log, and I am officially registering that I haven’t told Gavin, nor do I intend to unless you read this log considering that you are injured and at bed rest. I shall try my best to bring events up to date starting with the most important and ending with our intended destination.

We successfully avoided a mating pair of Storm Serpents while en route to Halim’Ra. Their activities forced us to divert to the Island of Taun Peru where we encountered a squad of mercenaries who successfully overtook the ship and if Gregory’s tale is accurate a small group of 3 mercs disabled the away team.

We succeeded in taking the ship back while sustaining minor injuries. The pirate forces have been slain or left to fend for themselves in the nearby waters. We are close enough to land that my actions do not step outside the bounds of maritime law. The away team was also able to fend for themselves. Tydel takes honorable mention here as he was able to take one of them out with their own explosive device.

At present time we are holding one injured member of the mercenary crew as a prisoner under the care of Alenka who refused to allow me to throw him off the ship. Her claim is that the man helped them though I am fuzzy on the details. I will have to trust her judgement here. Also under her watchful eye is Captain Gavin Endili who attempted to take on a mummy that emerged from a tomb the group found on the hillside. Honorable mention goes to Ichor (yes, the dog gets mention here because he saved your life) who dragged the Captain down several dozen flights of stairs, away from the mummy which was immolated upon the beachside.

When we reorganized the ship I located the missing Captain’s Log tucked away with a number of other goods that Iley Rose had in her possession. It appears that a number of pages were removed from the book and used to make paper boats which she claims to have successfully sunken with her sling. I will be staying her execution so long as she creates a suitable replacement for the missing pages. She claims that she does and will add them later tonight.

We are on course for Darigad in an attempt to warn them in advance of the mercenary crew. Lea and Jon Parish have confirmed a conspiracy to attack Darigad using plague barring undead monstrosities that were dug up from the islands crypts. I believe that it would be wise to provide a warning to anyone heading in the direction of Taun Peru to steer clear as the unearthing has caused the dead to wake.

After we have provided proper warning we will be journeying onward to Parish’s destination with what I hope is a little less adventure and a little more time to rest.

- Acting Captain, Marissa Cand

The Condensed Logs of Captain Endili

Gevras, 12th of Glasswater through Zule, 4th of Red Hearth, 1009LD

More damage to the log appears to have occurred. The inside of the log book has been cut out with a steady handed sharp blade, likely a dagger as they are plentiful aboard the ship. Close inspection reveals that the cuts were made close enough to the book’s spine, giving the appearance that someone was trying to hide the contents. The diligence required to make this happen clashes with the fact that the removed pages consist of nearly a third of the log book’s final pages. The majority of the pages themselves have been loosely, if not somewhat haphazardly returned to their original place. Varied degrees of water damage, wine stains, tears, nicks and crinkles have largely rendered the contents irrecoverable. An appended note written by the Captain is included. It reads:

Logs are missing. Marissa was cutting them out of the book saying something about it being for our protection. I stopped her but the damage has already been done. I have made an effort to piece together the basic details of our voyages to the best of my memory. If the proper logs are found I will re-add them, but I fear they have already been disposed of.

Update: 21st of Whitefall. Several pages have been recovered though they are mostly unreadable. I have reprimanded Marissa for her actions but I don’t remember the punishment. There seem to be some gaps in my memory still which Alenka has confirmed. She will continue investigating this loss.

- We arrived in Darigad in time to give a warning to the Scarlet Order regarding the mercenaries we found at Taun Peru. This information was instrumental in helping them prevent the attack.

- We replenished supplies at Darigad and set course for Vheis Mord.

- After several weeks out to sea we were Intercepted by pirate vessels flying House Xemnon flags. Both ships raised black flags upon approach. We identified them as the Barivan and Mavrick. The Barivan was run aground along the Southern coast of Obsidis in the Vheis Mord region. Mavrick was taken. 3 prisoners were detained in the brig.

- Arrived at Eliquiry Island. Parish chose for this to be his final destination and turned over a vested interest in his estate and the bulk of his affairs, including the contract for the Joikun Expedition crew at Kieg Lac. Contract expires at the start of the year and costs 20,000gp. A prototype weapon has been turned over to my possession.

- Delayed travel from Eliquiry due to diminished supplies. We determined the best course of action was to head to Condor Rock where we resupplied and relieved ourselves of the prisoners.

- Departed Condor Rock under fair conditions. Ship supplied. Heading to Darigad where we will make a short stop including shore leave for Officers. No more than 3 days.

- Departure from Darigad. Good conditions. Heading to Foriedy.

- Arrived at Foriedy. Shoreleave given to Officers and crew on rotated schedule. Intention to set out after 1 week.

- We have gotten mixed up with issues in Lower Foriedy. Aldemon guard lost a piece of gnomish machinery and the officers seem intent on assisting them in retrieval. To this end we are seeking a man named Jasken Sool, reported ringleader of a dockside gang with a racial biased against elves. Trust of Xemnon and their policies is low.
- We got into a fight with Sool and his gang resulting in serious injuries done to many of the officers. A detailed report of injuries can be found in the medbay.
- Injured officers have been cleared for duty. Had an issue with Marissa seeking to resign from her post and stay on land. The crew banded together, a proper family, and convinced her to stay. For the better I might add.
- Tydel left the ship. We tried to locate him but according to the notes he left behind he doesn’t want to be found. We wish him the best. The possessions he took with him are his to keep.
- Took a job for a group of Tashminaen elves looking for passage to Otempewae. 30 passengers will be brought on board in exchange for 15,000 and sword training. We will be departing upon final Supply Count.

- Training with the elves began as soon as time allowed. The deck was cleared to create a safe sparring space and the medical bay was prepared for possible injuries though the elven leader assured me that actual swordplay would not occur for at least a week. The training went well.

- We encountered no major issues upon reaching Otempewae and the elves were dropped off. As a parting gift they have left a crate containing 15 swords in the hold. These weapons will fetch a decent price should we choose to sell them, but may serve better in the hands of the crew. I haven’t decided what to do with them yet.

- We were engaged by a dragon shortly after our departure from Otempewae and landed on an island later identified as Ostr’Haus to avoid the creature. Details about Ostr’Haus become fuzzy at this point. We placed our memories into crystals to keep its resident monster from using them to hurt us. I am going to list what I have managed to put together so far:

- The dragon did substantial damage to the hull as we tried to escape to the mist covered island. This damage has since been repaired and barring any rough weather,
- will hold up until we reach Darigad.
- The mists surrounding Ostr’Haus are created by a wolf-like monster. Malcom was unable to determine the true nature of the beast, but figures it is from another plane.
- After landing Marissa, Zagan, and Sam hatched a plan to lure the dragon away from the ship using a lantern. Apparently the lantern was magical but I don’t know where it came from… Alenka tells me her memory of it, and of other details remains missing even though we have recovered our memories. She is researching the details.
- The expedition failed when the fog bank became overwhelmingly thick and we were attacked by what we thought were local beasts. We later learned they were figments(?) created by the island’s monster.
- Knowing the creature uses our memories, we came up with a method for storing them inside crystals. I don’t know how we thought of this, but Alenka thought it was a good idea after she spent some time studying the crystal. In writing this makes no sense. Alenka and Marissa were convinced it would work...
- I thought Marissa was missing at this point. Did we attempt to run the lantern more than once? I thought Marissa took it and went missing, which would mean that she and Alenka proposed the memory crystals earlier than I remember. Reminder: ask Alenka this too. The memory seems broken… maybe something didn’t work right with the crystals.
- We made several attempts to retrieve Marissa before finally finding her at an old lighthouse tower. The dragon attack, attracted by the lantern. It melted the top of the structure, taking the lantern with it. This seemed to satisfy the dragon since it left after that.
- Malcom entered an Earthbond with the wolf monster so that it would stop attacking us. In return, he has promised to free it and its young from the island. This may not be the best option but it did allow us to repair the ship.
- Sam Martinson was killed on duty. According to Alenka his hand was removed around the same time we were out searching for Marissa. Zagan is in stable condition.

- Departed from Ostr’Haus, intent on reaching Darigad.

- Half way through the voyage there was an issue where Marissa was about to seriously injure Calvin Alm. Calvin was on a drug called Blitz and was painting using food stores and water. When confronted about her overly forceful behavior, Marissa responded very unprofessionally. Soon after she struck Raul who subdued her. As punishment, and until I can figure out what in the hells is going on with her, she will remain in the brig. Raul, Alenka, and Lea will keep watch over her to make sure her behavior turns around.
- Calvin will receive quarter rations for one week to make up for what he has damaged as it forces us to half ration more than I wanted.
- Also, a policy needs to be put in place to prevent substance abuse.
- Another thing to note: Lea seems to be spending a large amount of time with Marissa. When I mentioned it to her she said it was so Alenka could get more work done without needed to watch a prisoner. Hopefully she can talk some sense back into Marissa.

- We have arrived at Darigad, Halim’Ra. Resupply is more important than off time, but the crew has been paid for 3 months, plus a bonus of 1 month. Officers will be given some time to do their own thing. We need to look into replacing the Debtless. She is an old beat up ship and is no longer seaworthy.

- Final note. Get a new log book to replace this one.

Close the Logs and return to the Adventure Page

Open the next Log Book, labeled 1010 LD