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Capital CityNaltroy
Primary RaceHuman
Largest CityNaltoy

The Naltronian Empire is the second largest of the human controlled countries, and the most well organized. Its name is based off of the name of the Continent that it resides on. Naltronia as it is commonly called, is a country rich with resources though its rocky terrain makes farming difficult with occasional pockets of good soil for planting crops. Thick hardwood forests rise to meet the mammoth mountains and cover the landscape as far as the eye can see. Rivers cut and weave their way through the country and deep snow fed lakes brim with fish. While the land may be poor for crops, it is best suited to accommodate for domesticated animals.

Despite a strong human presence, much of the country remains wild and dangerous. It is a land brimming with superstition and lore. Beyond the cobblestone roadways lie the many Gnoll tribes that grow more restless and organized every year. To the north roam giants and tales of legendary monsters, beckoning to those who seek to make a name for themselves through adventure. The few who do are remembered in glorious tales. The rest are forgotten.

Capitol City


At the Empire's founding, First Emperor Isidril “Grace's Light” Allemark named the first city he established Naritum (after his fallen brother Naritol). The name of the city offended many who had lost family and friends during the Nightmare War, prompting some to go out and establish their own villages and kingdoms. Others stayed out of respect for Isidril whose presence in the city allowed it to grow and prosper. Naritum quickly expanding to kingdom status within its first year.

Pressured by his council of advisers, Isidril sought to change the name of the city. General Gerard Oprenhiem suggested the title Naltroy as a neutral option for the people who already associated the growing kingdom with Naltrim. Isidril accepted the new title and decided to move the Capitol further in land to better plan for the cities growth.

Naltronian Nobility

Naltronia's nobles act as the overseers of districts and cities that are not governed by the Templar. Their wealth grants them many privileges, easy access to food, houses, and personal guard to name a few. A nobles title also comes with great responsibilities; governing the people foremost. Cities with multiple noble families divide the management duties between each other, taking turns ruling (sometimes creating mini-democracies where the people can vote them in – this is the present structure of noble rule in Pengrad despite the presence of a Templar Citadel) or creating councils to include the entire noble body.

Other duties that weigh upon the nobility include the well being of the poor within their districts, assignment of guards for village protection (including militias), enforcement of laws, and creation of policies to better serve the people. In short, nobles are assigned the role of civil leaders and are held to an extremely high standard. Nobles who fail to perform their duties see increased taxation from the Empire and can be stripped of title and land. Templar are assigned to check in on cities overseen by the Nobility to ensure that their affairs are in order and the ideals of the Empire are being enforced.

Care of the poor also falls under the responsibility of the Nobility. They are required through Imperial regulation to provide for basic necessities (food and shelter) which has surprisingly proven to be a boon to industry. Nobles provide labor jobs and basic education. Additional training can be provided for those who have enough skill to succeed. In many districts, hard work and time spent learning additional trade skills on the side can mean better positions and higher pay. This can sometimes allow them to step into the middle class brackets. The nobles gain a cut of the profits turned by the district and the jobs they have supplied, in addition to tax cuts.

During the Sundering, many of the wealthier nobles left (or fled in some cases) to the lands that became part of the Aramish Union in Arambashia. Nobles still have the option of leaving the country but may only depart with their titles and little else. The threat of loosing status within the Empire is usually low so long as the Noble is making efforts to ensure the continued welfare of their districts (even if it must come from their own pockets).

Treatment of Women

Women are held in relatively equal standing to their male peers. Naltronian women may own land, govern, hold advisory positions, and even serve in the military making the Empire one of the most progressive nations on Saratta. Women's rights in Naltronia have historically leaned in favor of equality, but only in the last 60 years has this begun to encompass all women of the nation. Non-psychic women have always been behind the curve when it comes to rights, a trend that is changing under the reign of Emperor Gerald Tilson.

A woman comes of age at 16 years, until which time she is under the guardianship of her father. In the event that they have no father, guardianship falls to the mother. Once a woman turns 16 she can opt to leave her family and seek out her life. She is responsible for her actions from that point on and should have begun development of the skills that will carry her through life. Traditionally woman choose to remain at home (especially in poorer family circles – families with enough money usually provide their children with a stipend to help them get up on their feet). In such a case she remains under the guardianship of her parents until she chooses to leave or is married.

By the age of Womanhood, a woman has been groomed by her family enough to display a trade talent or skill. A woman who is still at home may seek training from her mother or father but most women seek apprenticeship in trades outside her home. Women are often prized for their patience and ability to teach, placing them in positions that emphasize such traits. Most heavy labor trades will not accept women.

Women serve side by side with men in the military. They are often employed as battlefield medics (as it offers the best protection) but many take up bows, and some even chose the front lines bearing sword and shield. The military places great stress on keeping the tasks of women equal to men on the lines in order to maintain moral and order; Everyone pulls their weight.

Women who possess psychic talent are often elevated above men as protectors. These women often join the ranks of the Imperial Templar and are charged with keeping order and making decisions that affect entire cities and often the state of the nation. Templar are well respected in Naltronia, and their word often carries more weight than that of men (even nobles), with the exception of the Emperor.

  • GM's Note: In regard to womens rights in Naltronia, it resembles 40s to 50s era rights in the United States. There is a definite mix of 60s and 70s in their positions as well. Throughout Naltronia's history, womens rights have been granted and taken away periodically, though psychics have always ranked highly and held rights above and beyond other women.

Regarding Marriage and Breeding

Marriages are arranged by the mothers of a house who will find the best match for their daughters. A daughter 16 or older does not have to accept the offer but often will for the good of the household. Marriage rarely elevates a families position in the nation, but can in special circumstances. Wedding ceremonies usually take about 3 hours, while the celebrations last anywhere from 2 days to a week depending on the wealth of the families.

Marriage is a sacred bond in Naltronia and subject to very high standards by its people. The bond of marriage should last throughout the couples lifetime. Divorce is virtually non-existant but can be allowed when certain circumstances come to light. Abuse is the most common ground for divorce. Cheating is only considered grounds when it threatens the stability of a family (kids are involved, etc). Divorce suits are handled by the Templar who read the minds of both parties to determine the outcome. Having a Templar perform a probe can unearth other offenses toward the law that individuals can be judged. Many male conspirators state that this system favors women.

Many marriages and unions are made to join more than just families. Psychic power flows through bloodlines (a woman's Y gene to be specific) and as a result families in Naltronia seek those with the psychic bloodline to marry into. Another reason for the joining of bloodlines comes from a tax cut that families see from the government for enrolling psychic children with the Imperial Templar.

Treatment of the Poor

The poor are the lowest class in Naltronian society. They have little to their names aside from their ability to work. They make up a portion of the countries basic labor and are often employed by the local nobility. The poor usually gather multiple families into single households to help make ends meet but can fall back on the support of the nobility if necessary (nobles do not need to support freeloaders).

The people of Naltronia have mixed feelings toward the poor. Some take pity because of the hardships that they must endure. Others view them with scorn or ignore them all together. These feelings usually come from the middle class. Many nobles see the poor in a different light. While housing and food must be provided, the poor are a source of cheap labor. That labor, with a bit of training, can vastly improve the output of a districts trades resulting in greater cuts for themselves.

Treatment of the Elderly

The Naltronian people are an independent people, proud and stubborn. Age rarely treats them well. The majority of a families children will have left home by the time their parents are growing older. Those who are fortunate will be cared for by their children, but the subservient roll that they play as an elder in the household is often not suited to their independent nature. Those who are not lucky will find themselves kicked onto the streets by those children seeking their inheritance, or will be unable to support themselves without a proper support network.

Unable to help themselves, or with nowhere else to turn, many look to the Church of Glory. The Church readily accepts them into their ranks to serve as priests and clerics. The clergy provides them with a means to maintain their self respect. Within the church they are great sources of wisdom and can give insight into the graces of the gods.

Elders do not receive the same levels of respect that can be found in other human cultures. They are viewed as weak and frail, making laborious tasks impossible for them to perform without injury.


The people of Naltronia primarily dedicate themselves to the goddess Estridae, with temples to several of the other 'good' gods appearing in cities the further East on travels. This attempt at monotheism dates back to Isidril's victory over the Nightmares at the beginning of the Lunidor period. At about the same time as the Empires founding the Church of Glory began to rise to power dedicating themselves to the goddess of Light. The church warped the pantheon to fit into a greater deification of Estridae, making the other gods lesser to her power with the exception of Telraedye, the orchestrator of Great Evil.

Naltronian's are often very religious and regularly attend the church to praise the goddess and her saving hand, an order of Paladin's called Ordera Sanctus Verdentia (translated into Order of the Pure World). Their focus on a single god upholding the Pantheon does not sit well with outsiders, or its own people prior to The Sundering. After the civil war and the division of Naltronia and Arambashia, those who continued to believe in the many gods departed from the country, leaving only the Gathering of true believers in their wake.

The Church of Glory states the the goddess Estridae is the foundation of all that is good within the world. Her power sheds lifegiving light upon the people and banishes evil. Justice extends from her left hand, along with her healing grace for those who live outside of wickedness. In her right hand is the power to smite the wicked and brings an end to evil. Telraedye is the source of all evil and birthed the unholy Balphurus who slew his father to ascend the Throne of Terror and rule over the Hells. The Church does not believe that Telraedye is truly dead, but Estridae keeps him at bay by driving his presence from the world at each dawn. In order to save the world from the terror of the night Estridae placed the moons in the sky to banish the blackest night as well.


Death weighs heavily on the hearts of the Naltroian people. They fear what it represents and what lies beyond it. Blame for death falls squarely on the shoulders of Brashq due in part to the teachings of the Church of Glory who have vilified the god of Undeath. They teach that Estridae fought death and overcame him, shepherding true believers on to the afterlife. The wicked will be visited by Brashq and punished to living damnation or cast into the Hells to wallow with Balphurus in his lake of fire.

The mourning process lasts 3 weeks and is a drawn out ritual of blessings to ensure that the spirit properly passes on and does not return to haunt the family. Over the first the body is left out to be viewed. It is blessed daily by priests of the Church if the person was a believer. This blessing is used to ward off the evils of Brashq and to prevent him from settling on the soul of the dead. Should the body rise, priests will quickly put it down and dedicate it to the 'lesser' god of Fire for purification.

During the second week the body is wrapped in linens that are smoked with incense. They are placed into a coffin and buried within a sanctified graveyard. Family members of the deceased are the first to throw soil upon the body. This is often accompanied by a blessing or memory. After that, all others in attendance may assist in the burial. It is the duty of the family to arrange for gravediggers. Additional blessings are spoken over the grave of the departed by the priests. The third week consists of a vigil where family will continue to visit the departed and provide blessings to appease the spirit.

Crime and Punishment

Determining guilt when on trial in Naltronia is done by allowing the judge to probe your mind. During a probe the judge seeks out the acts committed during a crime. She weighs the actions of the guilty and then determines a sentence. While a probe is being done, the judge can pull up past offenses that have been committed and place the accused on trial for those actions as well. This is not often the case, but has been known to occur (Emperor Jhalial vs The Empire). Resistance during a probe suggests guilt and can lead to immediate imprisonment or worse.

Psychics in Naltronia

Psychics are a widely accepted part of Naltronian culture. They are the defenders of the Empire, serving to cast down those who would oppose it. Psychics are often employed to root out dissension within the empire, employing their powers to root into the minds and feelings of its subjects to determine intent. Many countries beyond the empire see this as an affront to its people, but in Naltronia it is seen as a means of protecting the people.

The bulk of psychics are female (as the Y gene contains the psychic gene) though males occasionally crop up with latent abilities as well. The majority of Naltronia's psychics find employment within the ranks of the Imperial Templar, an order dedicated to the defense and oversight of the Nation. Large, black stone citadels rise up in the center of major cities to proclaim their presence. To Naltronia's people, these towers represent the power and potential of the nation. To outsiders they are a stern reminder that your thoughts are not always your own.

Women who possess psychic powers are often placed into important positions in a cities hierarchy. They can be found governing cities and serving as judges, and are just as likely to appear on the front lines of military skirmishes as they are aiding people on the streets. Templar represent the best and brightest of these psychically latent women. Many possess a knack for being impartial which makes them seem cold to outsiders but is a blessing to the nations people. It keeps their best interests in mind.

Male psychics are less known for their greatness, and often give people pause. It is believed that male psions are born as a punishment from the gods for some evil committed in a past life. Their powers often seem normal at young ages but quickly become erratic and uncontrollable, drawing upon emotions, making males a danger to themselves and everyone around them. Few males have shown control for these powers (Mardok Kales is the only known male psychic at present who can control his power. He is the currently a member of the Consulate Circle, the Emperors advisers. As such he is considered the head of the Imperial Templar).

Many males die at an early age due to the erratic manifestation of their power. There are few methods for helping these young men overcome the dangers of their power, but some methods do exist. The first is a Mind Block and can only be placed on a child before puberty. A mind block acts as a barrier to a child's power, effectively blocking it off from use. If a male can grow up without using his powers after a Mind Block, he can 'forget' that he possess them, and grow up leading a normal life.

A male who uses his power despite a Mind Block will cause the barrier to break down. Males who have had a Block placed on them claim to have an itch in the back of their minds at times. Scratching at the wall will cause it to crack can break down. A cracked Block can be repaired by a powerful psychic but usually herald a snap.

Psychics who snap are overwhelmed by their power. Without an way to channel out the excess energies they erupt, throwing energy out around them, often killing themselves and those around them in the process.

The second method for controlling a males power is to create a Surgeon. Surgeons are male psychics who have had the emotional part of their minds stripped away by psychic power. The method for doing this once required a female psychic to attack the subjects mind, burning away the emotional synapses of the brain. This process was incredibly dangerous and could easily kill the subject in the hands of an inexperienced psychic. It also lead to severe mental trauma for the female, bringing out a penchant for cruelty. This method was abandoned when the Surgeon's Mask was crafted. The mask amplifies a psychics power while suppressing emotion. The added power causes psychic burnout, breaking down the emotional side of the wearer. The effects are permanent; the longer the mask is worn, the more stripped the bearers personality becomes until it strips away emotion all together.

Surgeons are used as weapons by Naltronia for their dispassionate ability to kill. They follow orders without hesitation or care. A Surgeon is kept in line by a squad of 4 Templar that can guide the efforts of the Surgeon to make sure the remain on task. If the squad is taken down a Surgeon will engage whatever targets it presumes to be a threat. Those it is familiar with are considered friendly, while all others are considered as foes and dealt with.

Removing a Surgeon's mask before the effects have permanently stripped their emotions will cause a snap. A male can wear a mask for sort periods of time (2 hours) without beginning the stripping process, allowing them to gain additional power for short spurts. Females appear to be unaffected by the masks stripping effect.

Becoming a Surgeon is not the most ideal option, or one that is chosen by many males, but it is a way to survive when ones power threatens to overcome them.


While magic is present in Naltronia, its presence does illicit the grand response that such power receives in Arambashia. Naltronia is no friend of the Council, and believes that the Tower seeks to subvert sovereignty by inserting itself into the interests of other governments. During the events of the Sundering, the Empire formally ordered the Council from its lands after it was discovered that the Tower had backed many of the Nobles who had stood in opposition.

In a slight to the Council, the Empire began using the libraries that remained in the country as places to train new magic users on their own without their direction. Lack of a specific structure lead teachers to develop new programs to train others. Respect of magic power was not always at the heart of these growing organizations which found themselves at odds with the Empire at times. Over the years, several of these organizations grew large, founding their own tenants, some monastic, others with flair. These guilds became sources for fledgling wizards to discover their identities, and often provided them with a gateway to growing their power.

Those showing greater promise found themselves courted by the Empire to take up positions as military magi. Many accepted on the grounds that they would be allowed to conduct experiments that would have been illegal under Council law (VERSE for instance, which focused on manipulating the life essence of magical beings – a practice forbidden by the Council, though combining creatures finds acceptance, a contradiction the Empire is quick to point out).

       Council presence does exist in some places, in addition to the guilds.  Several towers have been permitted for use within the city of Ausburg, and along the Southern border near Tashmine.  Several wizard families hold loyalty to the Tower.  Some claim that these families are on Templar watch lists, and many have questioned whose side they would be on if push came to shove.  Regardless, the Council has made efforts to provide education and training to all who are will, displaying their willingness to make compromises (though there are some within the Council who regard them as a splinter cell, little better than one of the Naltronian guilds).

There are no restrictions to magical use within the Empire, though the Emperial Templar recommend to growing families that their children be brought to a Citadel for testing. Determining magical ability and ensuring that proper training is provided helps to ensure that potentially dangerous casters are kept in check and known about. The Templar keep a registry of all magic users born in the Empire and has used it to check up on them as they have grown up.

Like the actions taken against those who abuse psychic powers, abuse of magical abilities is often dealt with by placing a mental block on the minds of those who commit a crime. Often, such blocks are temporary, but occasionally mind wipes are required in order to keep the peace.