The Captain's Log: 1009 LD

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( Springtide, Gevras 13th 1009 LD): The Masquerade

Two days ago a courier delivered a letter to your hands. Inside of the letter was an invitation from your friend, Johan “Jon” Parish. You’ve worked with Parish before, spent time at his home, and even casually drank at taverns with him. He is a wealthier individual, inventor by trade with a touch of magic at his disposal. Jon does not normally throw parties unless there is somethings exciting that he can unveil to the public, which means you should be in for a riotous night. The party is a Masquerade Ball, which means hiding your identity behind a mask for the evening, guessing at who everyone else might be, and revelling in the anonymity until the big reveal at the nights end. For some, it will be an excuse to network, create trade agreements, and arrange business ventures. For the rest, it is an opportunity to give in to hedonism. Drink, dance, and be merry.

The party was everything it could be. A mix of dancing, fantastic orchestral music, wandering animals, and enchanting women. Especially the woman in the blue ocean dress that seemed to ripple like the ocean itself. Gossip, jokes and rumors flew across the dance hall, while slights and pleasantries of all sorts were exchanged between the nobles. Hours passed effortlessly, and would have remained pleasant and relaxing had it not been for the ogre and his entourage that smashed through the door as the night got into full swing.

The huge beast called himself Brother and appeared to be in a power struggle with an unnamed man wearing dock worker browns. They demanded the passcode for Parish’s vault. Parish implored several members of the group to reach the vault before Brother and secure a mahogany case containing important document while he tried to stall. The group quickly set to work heading for the panic room which accessed the vault. Parish attempted to communicate with Brother and probably would have succeeded had other factors not occurred. The unnamed dockman took hold of a guest an demanded the code or he’d have his men start killing people. When this did not hasten things he began digging his blade into the woman that he’d taken hostage. Captain Endili tried to reason with Brother to do something before someone died, but it only encouraged the man in brown who ran his dagger across the woman’s throat.

This seemed to enrage the ogre and threw the party crashers into pandemonium, fighting between themselves. The ogre and the man in brown engaged each other in combat. The man with his dagger, the ogre with his formidable strength. The woman in the flowing blue dress revealed her colors as well, taking advantage of the confusion to try and subdue Gregory Dawn with a well placed crossbow bolt that seemed to seek it’s target. The attack was unsuccessful, leaving Gregory to turn the tables on her. It was in those moments that the group crept their way into the vault and found 2 chests. One made of steel containing instructions for the creation of saltpeter, and the other being the mahogany box with more papers. They added the contents of the steel chest into the wooden box and slipped out unnoticed.

In the dance hall it was clear who had the advantage when Brother made quick work of the man in brown. The large ogre demanded the code to the vault, which Jon willingly relinquished before the ogre continued up the stairs to collect his companion; the woman in the ocean dress who he called Janiry. Gregory released her before the gaze of the mighty beast and watched as they dropped from the balcony to the floor below before heading to the vault. Parish ordered everyone out of the house which most people were more than happy to do. In the few minutes that had passed, House Xemnon had already scrambled soldiers who were entering approaching the premiss ready to investigate. Jon told them everything he knew but they found no trace of the ogre or woman. They had vanished, taking the steel chest with them.

After the Party

I have had a moment to study the contents of both cases and have come to the conclusion that I will share none of it with my crewmates save maybe the Captain for now. Contained within were alchemical instructions for the creation of a compound listed as saltpeter. For what I gather it is quite volatile and is likely combustible. I also suspect that parts of it were written intentionally wrong, but it will take more studying to determine. I will probably need to craft the material myself to be certain.

The other half of the contents are more disturbing. Precise instructions for crafting a cylindrical tube meant to propel objects over great distance. It borrows enough design to bear a resemblance to goblin projectile metalwork, but deviates quite a bit too. It would take a very skilled blacksmith to produce what I have seen, and judging from the measurement detail… no. Purely speculation. The documentation names it as: Steelcaster Mark IX aka a cannon.

- Excerpt from the writings of Alenka Kolchak

Springtide, 14th 1009 LD: Departure from Foriedy

The ship is loaded with enough supplies to get us to where we are going. I have charted the course to take us to Pfor'Ai in the hope that we can reach a rumored shipwreck before anyone else. From what I gathered out of rumors being spun at Jon's party, the Minoad was bearing a supply of silk when it wrecks. The ship has not been reported to the Aldemon port authority and there was no mention of Xemnon involvement yet, so it should be safe to bet that this information doesn't go beyond a few people. Better chances that it could turn me a quick profit if we find her first. It would make for a good month.

It should also be noted on the record that crewman Gregory and I were scryed and approached by the ogre Brother the morning following Jon’s ill-fated party. The ogre appears to be honorable, at least according to Gregory. He even suggested that we try to recruit Brother, but a number of the crew were against the idea and at the moment I agree with them. Gregory may feel that Brother is of honorable intent but I cannot risk that presently. Gregory will be turning over the steel chest with it’s original contents to Brother later this evening, at which time I expect the scry upon us to end.

- Captain Gavin Endili

Springtide, 27th, 1009 LD: Rough Waters

The crew caught the edge of a large storm and was flung into it a bit further than intended. The efforts of the crew were commendable and no losses were encountered, nor damage to the ship. For a green crew it was well ridden.

Greentide 4th, 1009 LD: Minoad Silk Salvage

The Debtless finally found the wreck of the ship they had been seeking. A day and a half prior to this they Lea bargained with pirates in Cutlass Cove to secure the resting location of the ship. Little wonder why the vessel had not yet been looted as its cracked husk was wrapped in spider web. A few prodding attempts at the ship revealed a large number of very small red spiders were making the wrecked ship their home. Dried out birds could be seen hanging for the broken masts revealing that the ship had been this way for at least several weeks.

Malcom and Alenka identified the spiders as Red Orb, found in western Tyr. What they were doing aboard this ship was at the moment unknown. The crew devised a plan for breaking into the ship without attracting the attention of the spiders and were initially successful, gaining access to the captain's quarters and a small supply of silver before determining that much of the wooden floor had been weakened by exposure.

A second attempt was made by accessing the ships underbelly through cracks in the hull that were made when it ran aground. A number of spider swarms were dispatched thanks to acid splash potions that Alenka had made, allowing the crew to finally secure raw thread spider silk that was held in the dry stores. Bitten and covered in rashes from the diminutive spiders, the crew returned to their ship.

As they ventured back, they learned that a second drama had been unfolding with the rest of the crew. Marissa, acting as captain while Gavin was inspecting the wreck of the Minoad had been approached by two vessels bearing House Ahn Zeis colors. The captain of one of the ships identified himself as Zagoris Kerman (captain of the Thermoris). Curiously, the captain remained under a thick black sheet while beneath the sun. He stated that the other ship was not House Ahn Zeis, and was actually a disguised Midnight Council ship. The Council required a set of silver bars from the Minoad wreck of they would set of delayed beads in the hull of the Thermoris and kill everyone aboard. Capain Kerman did not want this to happen, and requested from Marissa that at least half of his crew be allowed to board the ship. Fortunately, Captain Endili returned to the Debtless and was able to make the decision.

Half of the Thermoris's crew was brought aboard, and Gavin willingly turned over the silver that they had taken from the Minoad. In return, he would earn favor with House Ahn Zeis once Captain Kerman returned to Foriedy. The Ahn Zeis captain then returned to the Midnight Council ship. The transaction must have been successful, for the other ship broke into full sail and departed shortly after, allowing Captain Kerman to retrieve his crew and leave as well.

The salvage had been a success, netting nearly 12,000gp worth in raw silk materials and promise of favor with one of Foriedy's houses.

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