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(36 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 3: Line 3:
| image = nezra_new.png
| image = nezra_new.png
| nick =  
| nick =  
| home = Halim'ra
| home = Halim'Ra
| residence = House amongst the graveyard in Mirr
| residence = [[Namasiiel, City of Ghosts]]
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| age = unknown
| age = unknown
| born =
| died =
| level = 12
| level = 12
| align = Lawful Evil
| align = Lawful Evil
Line 12: Line 14:
| race = [[Half-Elf]]
| race = [[Half-Elf]]
| diety = None
| diety = None
| player = [[Tucker Benke]]
| player = Tucker Benke
| campaign = [[Worldshaper's Song]]
Line 18: Line 21:
Nezra was a simple [[Half-Elf]] child who, through an unfortunate meeting with [[Markashik]], was turned into a mass murderering cat.
Nezra is a Necromancer, which means a few different things.  First and most important to her, she is a bender of life forces (both arcane and divine), and a conjurer of the undead.  It also however means that she is feared for her craft by those who don't understand what it means to be a twister of necromatic energies.  Besides her magical pursuits Nezra is also a scholar, an inventor, a skilled apothecary, and an adventure.
Nezra seeks to dismantle the notion that all Necromancers are pure evil and wish only destruction and death, and to reinstate the art of Necromancy into the Mage Towers, to set right some of the fallout from Markashik's betrayal.  Even with those noble goals in mind, Nezra is out to grow her own power and her understanding of magic, and she understands that some evils may have to be done in pursuit of it.
Nezra's calm and calculating demeanor is often misread as her being cold and unfeeling.  In truth she keeps herself detached from her emotions on purpose.  It's become a sort of emotional defense against being hurt or letting other people see any signs of weakness.
Nezra is a half-elf of average hight in comparison to other half-elves.  She has a very thin build and pale skin, traits of a life in deeply dedicated study.  Nezra has long black hair and green eyes, gifts from her mother and father respectively.  Her style of dress, much like her personality, speak of a studious nature.  Simple robes, tunics, and dresses highlighted with a few pieces of elven silver and all made with dark colored fabrics.
Nezra's equipment is starting to show its age, being mostly handed down pieces given from master to student.  All of her blades and implements are still kept pristine and have a soft shine about them (bone dust makes a fine polish and is rather easy to find for a Necromancer).  Nezra's tomes and her many many assorted books and parchments, are all kept in order meticulously.  Being a bit of a bibliophile Nezra never leaves her home without a few select titles, and she is always on the search for more.
==Early Life==
==Early Life==
In the city of Fool's Run there was a small family.  A young human female with a passion for the church and a good heart, a hard working elven blacksmith.  The first daughter of the two was a hard working apprentice at her father's forge and a member of the city guard.  Nezra was second born, a member of this family by chance more then plan, and separated from her only sibling by nearly twenty years.
==Markashik's Plague==
==Markashik's Plague==
The plagues of Markashik didn't only take the lives of Nezra's parents, it also damned the order of magic Nezra was soon to follow.
The plagues of Markashik doomed the city of Fool's Run, it did not take long for a large portion of the population to contract the disease and succumb to the crippling pain and horrible fever.  Everyone from the strongest of the guard to the weakest of the beggars could feel the creeping hand of death on their doorstep.  Nezra's father was one of the first to contract the plague, and even with her mother's healing touch, it was only a matter of time.  The strong elven blacksmith who raised two strong daughters and cared deeply for his loving wife died a shallow husk of a man many weeks after his first symptoms began to appear.  Nezra's mother was spared from the plague, but in her grief she sank into a depression which only her faith could heal, she spent all her time in the temples, praying for her lost love and her daughters health.  When the plague was at its peak the city began to burn, looters and raiders had descended from their vantage points around the dying city and no one was safe.  Most of the guards had left the city fearing the plague or they had died, but the small stalwart group that had survived was little but a nuisance to the pillagers.  Nezra's Sister fought her way to the temple in the middle of town in hopes of collecting their grieving mother, but the temples had been hit first.  Nezra was at home, hiding in the cellar while her sister went to defend the temple and find their mother, but she returned hours later with tears streaking her face.
They left that night, running not only from the chaos of the plague torn city, but also running from the bad memories Fool's Run would always have for them.
==Taniesa's Teachings==
==Necromancer Hunt==
==Necromancer Hunt==
After the death of the Dread Necromancer Markashik and Nezra's mentor Tenisha, Nezra and any Necromancer like her were targeted as enemies by all who had felt the sting of the deadly plagues released by Markashik.
After the death of the Dread Necromancer Markashik and his followers, including Nezra's mentor Taniesa, any and all practices of Necromancy was banned and the hunt for any and all users of the dark art were hunted down by both trained and well blooded proffesional Necromancer Hunters and crazed pitch fork wielding commoners alike.  Even those who condemned Markashik and his practices were hunted.
Nezra was however a complete unknown as no one had ever seen Taniesa take on a student before.  This allowed Nezra a head start of sorts, as she took to the road and headed south, placing as much distance between her and the plague ridden lands of her former home as possible (in future works Nezra would hint that the distance helped her break from her past as well, leaving her to devote her mind to Necromancy and study).
The fears of people were however at a all time high, everyone who witnessed even the smallest hint of dark magics would jump and call down a dizzying storm of hater and fear.  Nezra spent most of her time hiding from people and making her way further and further south, until the opportunity to leave and head for the south sea islands made itself clear.
==The Island==
==The Island==
Seeking refuge from the Necromancer hunters and the fear of the masses Nezra found passage on a ship heading towards the islands of the south seas.
Seeking refuge from the Necromancer hunters and the fear of the masses Nezra found passage on a ship heading towards the islands of the south seas.
==The Tower of Mages and the Reinstatement of Necromancy==
I hate her...
Following the fall of the Othari summoner [[Nathräz Caerna]] during the events of the [[Worldshaper's Song]] Nezra's life returned to quite nights walks in the sanctuary of her graveyard.  For a year her studies focused on creating greater undead with a penchant for psionic energy resistance.  Hoping to create a stranglehold over the protection and economics of Darigad, Nezra and [[Aeluna]] continuously butted heads.  When the feud threatened to become violent a call was put out to a [[Necromancer Hunters]] guild in Dantis, Arambashia.  The message was intercepted en route, never to reach its destination.  The events that followed would change the young vampiress taking her far from her island home to the lofty heights that some magi only dream about.
A young man by the name of [[Jalus Vhan]] approached Nezra's stronghold during the fall of 981 LD.  He bore a message about a secret council meeting to begin discussions within the [[Council of Magi]] pertaining to the reinstatement of Necromancy as a protected school of magic.  His message also contained the intercepted missive about the call for a Necromancer Hunter.  Nezra ignored the summons, choosing instead to continue to build her base of operations on Halim'Ra.  Several months later Jalus returned again bearing a new message; [[Taniesa]] had been found, alive.
Seeking a reunion and answers from her mentor, Nezra reluctantly departed from Halim'Ra venturing oversea to the poisoned lands of Tashmine.  Tucked secretly within one of the countries coastal mires mentor and apprentice were brought back together.  Despite harboring ill feelings toward Taniesa's involvement with Mar'Kashyk, Nezra took the time to hear her mentor out.  After considering the tale, Nezra chose to side with her mentor as an equal.  The two began working toward gathering support for the reinstatement of Necromancy soon after.
=People of Interest=
'''[[Fredrick]]''' - Skeletal minion of Nezra, Fredrick was one of Nezra's very first animations, and to date is still one of her most powerful and useful. This could be due to some unseen spirit still trapped within the bones of this seemingly simple skeletal minion.  Fredrick seems to have a sort of intelligent purpose to his actions, rather then just following orders to the letter as most other animated skeletons would do.
'''[[Taniesa Il'Pharin|Taniesa]]''' - Nezra's mentor and teacher.  She taught Nezra a great deal about the power of Necromancy, but also about the responsibilities that that power brings... something that seemed to go by the way side when pitted against the over powering will of Markshik in years before Taniesa's death.
'''[[Markashik]]''' - The most note worthy player in most of Nezra's life tragidies. Markashik started the plague that killed her parents, he helped cultivate the riots that split Nezra from her sister, and when Nezra was safe with her teacher away from the unforgiving world, Markashik came and took Taniesa away and dragged her with him during his fall.
Nezra even met the dread necromancer once, and his looming corrupting essence still haunts her dreams.
Markashik was also responsible for implanting a necrotic cyst in Nezra. It was removed however, and Nezra was glad to see it go... if not so pleased with the methods used to extract it.
'''[[Aeluna]]''' - One of the more peculiar pairings in Nezra's life is the one she shares with a high spirited and often misguided psychic named Aeluna.  Nezra has a complete distrust of psychics, and an over all dim look on those who are cheerful and bright, as she sees those as traits of people hiding from the real world.  So one might ask how Nezra and Aeluna became "friends" despite this obvious animosity between them.  Despite trying to avoid Aeluna on the islands and keep her distance from the psychic, the fates continually pressed the two together in a number of seemingly impossible situations and quests.  Of course this does not mean that a friendship blossomed, more a understanding of one another's abilities and a assurance of mutually assured destruction if ever the two were to come to blows.
'''[[Telrask]]''' - Aeluna's bodyguard and often jested at love interest was a large silent figure known only as Telrask.  His overbearing strength and brute efficiency in battle was a rather imposing symbol of protect for the Scarlet Order.  Telrask is also one of the largest thorns in Nezra's plans to finally be rid of the annoyingly cheerful Aeluna.
'''[[Calemis V'anyrul]]''' - Calemis was one of the first Druids Nezra ever met, and she was not impressed.  At least not initially.  A druid's ability to change forms and twist nature to their will was something Nezra found herself amazed by, however this druid's sometimes bizarre behavior and his lack of knowledge about the working world set a poor example in the young Necromancer's mind for the average forest dwelling magic user.  Calemis did however make a small amends for his baffling behavior when he died in battle with an over powering jungle elemental.  Nezra had plans to resurrect the druid at some point after recovering the corpse... but it seems nature had other plans, plans made manifest when a dire whale ended up eating part of the ship on a return voyage.  Calemis V'anuryl's corpse was among the things not recovered from the ship wreckage.
'''[[Kaj'vorn]]''' - A skilled sailor and a lover of all things fermented, Captain Kaj'vorn is the only person Nezra turns to when she needs to make a trip over the dangerous seas of Saratta. Paying him in gold and keeping him in spirits has kept Kaj'vorn a faithful accompaniment to the group.

Latest revision as of 19:39, 18 March 2018

Nezra new.png
ResidenceNamasiiel, City of Ghosts
Meta Data:
ClassTrue Necromancer
AlignmentLawful Evil
PlayerTucker Benke
CampaignWorldshaper's Song


Nezra is a Necromancer, which means a few different things. First and most important to her, she is a bender of life forces (both arcane and divine), and a conjurer of the undead. It also however means that she is feared for her craft by those who don't understand what it means to be a twister of necromatic energies. Besides her magical pursuits Nezra is also a scholar, an inventor, a skilled apothecary, and an adventure.

Nezra seeks to dismantle the notion that all Necromancers are pure evil and wish only destruction and death, and to reinstate the art of Necromancy into the Mage Towers, to set right some of the fallout from Markashik's betrayal. Even with those noble goals in mind, Nezra is out to grow her own power and her understanding of magic, and she understands that some evils may have to be done in pursuit of it.


Nezra's calm and calculating demeanor is often misread as her being cold and unfeeling. In truth she keeps herself detached from her emotions on purpose. It's become a sort of emotional defense against being hurt or letting other people see any signs of weakness.

Nezra is a half-elf of average hight in comparison to other half-elves. She has a very thin build and pale skin, traits of a life in deeply dedicated study. Nezra has long black hair and green eyes, gifts from her mother and father respectively. Her style of dress, much like her personality, speak of a studious nature. Simple robes, tunics, and dresses highlighted with a few pieces of elven silver and all made with dark colored fabrics.

Nezra's equipment is starting to show its age, being mostly handed down pieces given from master to student. All of her blades and implements are still kept pristine and have a soft shine about them (bone dust makes a fine polish and is rather easy to find for a Necromancer). Nezra's tomes and her many many assorted books and parchments, are all kept in order meticulously. Being a bit of a bibliophile Nezra never leaves her home without a few select titles, and she is always on the search for more.

Early Life

In the city of Fool's Run there was a small family. A young human female with a passion for the church and a good heart, a hard working elven blacksmith. The first daughter of the two was a hard working apprentice at her father's forge and a member of the city guard. Nezra was second born, a member of this family by chance more then plan, and separated from her only sibling by nearly twenty years.

Markashik's Plague

The plagues of Markashik didn't only take the lives of Nezra's parents, it also damned the order of magic Nezra was soon to follow.

The plagues of Markashik doomed the city of Fool's Run, it did not take long for a large portion of the population to contract the disease and succumb to the crippling pain and horrible fever. Everyone from the strongest of the guard to the weakest of the beggars could feel the creeping hand of death on their doorstep. Nezra's father was one of the first to contract the plague, and even with her mother's healing touch, it was only a matter of time. The strong elven blacksmith who raised two strong daughters and cared deeply for his loving wife died a shallow husk of a man many weeks after his first symptoms began to appear. Nezra's mother was spared from the plague, but in her grief she sank into a depression which only her faith could heal, she spent all her time in the temples, praying for her lost love and her daughters health. When the plague was at its peak the city began to burn, looters and raiders had descended from their vantage points around the dying city and no one was safe. Most of the guards had left the city fearing the plague or they had died, but the small stalwart group that had survived was little but a nuisance to the pillagers. Nezra's Sister fought her way to the temple in the middle of town in hopes of collecting their grieving mother, but the temples had been hit first. Nezra was at home, hiding in the cellar while her sister went to defend the temple and find their mother, but she returned hours later with tears streaking her face.

They left that night, running not only from the chaos of the plague torn city, but also running from the bad memories Fool's Run would always have for them.

Taniesa's Teachings

Necromancer Hunt

After the death of the Dread Necromancer Markashik and his followers, including Nezra's mentor Taniesa, any and all practices of Necromancy was banned and the hunt for any and all users of the dark art were hunted down by both trained and well blooded proffesional Necromancer Hunters and crazed pitch fork wielding commoners alike. Even those who condemned Markashik and his practices were hunted.

Nezra was however a complete unknown as no one had ever seen Taniesa take on a student before. This allowed Nezra a head start of sorts, as she took to the road and headed south, placing as much distance between her and the plague ridden lands of her former home as possible (in future works Nezra would hint that the distance helped her break from her past as well, leaving her to devote her mind to Necromancy and study).

The fears of people were however at a all time high, everyone who witnessed even the smallest hint of dark magics would jump and call down a dizzying storm of hater and fear. Nezra spent most of her time hiding from people and making her way further and further south, until the opportunity to leave and head for the south sea islands made itself clear.

The Island

Seeking refuge from the Necromancer hunters and the fear of the masses Nezra found passage on a ship heading towards the islands of the south seas.

The Tower of Mages and the Reinstatement of Necromancy

Following the fall of the Othari summoner Nathräz Caerna during the events of the Worldshaper's Song Nezra's life returned to quite nights walks in the sanctuary of her graveyard. For a year her studies focused on creating greater undead with a penchant for psionic energy resistance. Hoping to create a stranglehold over the protection and economics of Darigad, Nezra and Aeluna continuously butted heads. When the feud threatened to become violent a call was put out to a Necromancer Hunters guild in Dantis, Arambashia. The message was intercepted en route, never to reach its destination. The events that followed would change the young vampiress taking her far from her island home to the lofty heights that some magi only dream about.

A young man by the name of Jalus Vhan approached Nezra's stronghold during the fall of 981 LD. He bore a message about a secret council meeting to begin discussions within the Council of Magi pertaining to the reinstatement of Necromancy as a protected school of magic. His message also contained the intercepted missive about the call for a Necromancer Hunter. Nezra ignored the summons, choosing instead to continue to build her base of operations on Halim'Ra. Several months later Jalus returned again bearing a new message; Taniesa had been found, alive.

Seeking a reunion and answers from her mentor, Nezra reluctantly departed from Halim'Ra venturing oversea to the poisoned lands of Tashmine. Tucked secretly within one of the countries coastal mires mentor and apprentice were brought back together. Despite harboring ill feelings toward Taniesa's involvement with Mar'Kashyk, Nezra took the time to hear her mentor out. After considering the tale, Nezra chose to side with her mentor as an equal. The two began working toward gathering support for the reinstatement of Necromancy soon after.

People of Interest

Fredrick - Skeletal minion of Nezra, Fredrick was one of Nezra's very first animations, and to date is still one of her most powerful and useful. This could be due to some unseen spirit still trapped within the bones of this seemingly simple skeletal minion. Fredrick seems to have a sort of intelligent purpose to his actions, rather then just following orders to the letter as most other animated skeletons would do.

Taniesa - Nezra's mentor and teacher. She taught Nezra a great deal about the power of Necromancy, but also about the responsibilities that that power brings... something that seemed to go by the way side when pitted against the over powering will of Markshik in years before Taniesa's death.

Markashik - The most note worthy player in most of Nezra's life tragidies. Markashik started the plague that killed her parents, he helped cultivate the riots that split Nezra from her sister, and when Nezra was safe with her teacher away from the unforgiving world, Markashik came and took Taniesa away and dragged her with him during his fall. Nezra even met the dread necromancer once, and his looming corrupting essence still haunts her dreams. Markashik was also responsible for implanting a necrotic cyst in Nezra. It was removed however, and Nezra was glad to see it go... if not so pleased with the methods used to extract it.

Aeluna - One of the more peculiar pairings in Nezra's life is the one she shares with a high spirited and often misguided psychic named Aeluna. Nezra has a complete distrust of psychics, and an over all dim look on those who are cheerful and bright, as she sees those as traits of people hiding from the real world. So one might ask how Nezra and Aeluna became "friends" despite this obvious animosity between them. Despite trying to avoid Aeluna on the islands and keep her distance from the psychic, the fates continually pressed the two together in a number of seemingly impossible situations and quests. Of course this does not mean that a friendship blossomed, more a understanding of one another's abilities and a assurance of mutually assured destruction if ever the two were to come to blows.

Telrask - Aeluna's bodyguard and often jested at love interest was a large silent figure known only as Telrask. His overbearing strength and brute efficiency in battle was a rather imposing symbol of protect for the Scarlet Order. Telrask is also one of the largest thorns in Nezra's plans to finally be rid of the annoyingly cheerful Aeluna.

Calemis V'anyrul - Calemis was one of the first Druids Nezra ever met, and she was not impressed. At least not initially. A druid's ability to change forms and twist nature to their will was something Nezra found herself amazed by, however this druid's sometimes bizarre behavior and his lack of knowledge about the working world set a poor example in the young Necromancer's mind for the average forest dwelling magic user. Calemis did however make a small amends for his baffling behavior when he died in battle with an over powering jungle elemental. Nezra had plans to resurrect the druid at some point after recovering the corpse... but it seems nature had other plans, plans made manifest when a dire whale ended up eating part of the ship on a return voyage. Calemis V'anuryl's corpse was among the things not recovered from the ship wreckage.

Kaj'vorn - A skilled sailor and a lover of all things fermented, Captain Kaj'vorn is the only person Nezra turns to when she needs to make a trip over the dangerous seas of Saratta. Paying him in gold and keeping him in spirits has kept Kaj'vorn a faithful accompaniment to the group.